Fascial Stretch Therapy

Our Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST) service is designed to improve flexibility, mobility, and overall body function by focusing on the fascia—the connective tissue that surrounds muscles and joints.

Michelle Christie

Michelle is a proud mother of two university-aged daughters. She became a Certified Personal Trainer in 2011 when she decided to stay home to raise her girls and take her love of fitness to a new level. Michelle has always been interested in being fit and healthy, from playing sports in high school, to organized fitness programs in university, then running two marathons, several half marathons and many triathlons. Just prior to “retiring”, Michelle became involved in CrossFit which became her new fitness love and began competing in the CrossFit Open and qualified for her first Masters Qualifier in 2015. Since then she has competed in the Masters Qualifiers 5 times, placing top 20 in Canada 4 times. In 2015 a friend convinced Michelle to take on the challenge of the Spartan Ultra Beast (29 mile obstacle course) in Killington, Vermont where she finished 4th for women, some 12 hours later! While being fit is important, so is taking preventative measures to stay injury-free. Michelle decided to couple her personal training with Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST) and became certified in 2017. FST is a unique and complementary system of table-based assisted stretching, focusing on the muscles and connective tissue that surround and encompass the joints. This comprehensive approach not only provides immediate pain relief and a drastic increase in mobility, it also relieves anxiety by resetting the nervous system. Michelle’s goal with every client is to help them build stronger bodies and meet their personal goals, all the while focusing on function and mobility